Sunday, January 18, 2009

Brainwashed Children

Well, I am reaping the benefits of being a stay-at-home mom. On Friday I had the opportunity to go with Serena's 4th grade class on a field trip to the zoo (forgot the camera - again). I drove the family minivan with Serena and three of her classmates one and a half hours to the Tucson Zoo. We had a great time doing the scavenger hunt that Mrs. Grisham had prepared for them. I have never seen children more interested in reading all of the zoo signs as they looked for something that lives in the mountains, something that lives in groups, and about 20 other items. When we were all done looking at the animals and were gathering back together Serena had this conversation with her teacher and I.

Serena: Mrs. Grisham, mom is always right!
Mrs. Grisham (to me): Wow, you really do have them all trained.
Me: Well, not trained really, more like brainwashed
Serena: Actually, we aren't ALL completely trained, sometimes we still have to remind dad.

Poor Kerry, I wonder if he ever feels outnumbered?

1 comment:

kelly said...

LOL!...soooo funny!! don'tcha just LOVE kids??...haha.

welcome to "stay-at-home" motherhood! it is the hardest, but most rewarding job you'll ever do. i know, i sounds cheezy and cliche, but it's true! we are blessed. :)